The Avoidance of Parental Responsibilities and the Situation of Mothers Heads of Household in San Andrés de Sotavento During the Years 2020-2021


  • Zay Zarack Herrera Mejía



Minors, women, fathers, parental responsibility.


In the Colombian legal system fathers and mothers have equal rights and obligations towards their children, but statistics showed that women must contribute to the food process to ensure the means for the subsistence of their children, so how does the evasion of parental responsibilities affect the conditions of inequality of mothers heads of households in San Andrés de Sotavento during the years 2020-2021? to resolve the question formulated, qualitative research methods were used to identify the duties of fathers in the Colombian legal system and their impact on gender equality. the text analysis form was used to organize the information found in the databases, which was subsequently the product of a systematic review that made it possible to identify in detail the conclusions of these sources consulted; in a second moment, the characteristics of the judicial claims made by mothers of San Andrés de Sotavento on children's rights during the years 2020-2021 were examined through interview techniques and discourse analysis of the statements given by the municipal promiscuous judge, Dr. Mary Luz Toledo Vergara, and Dr. Mary Luz Toledo Vergara. Mary Luz Toledo Vergara, and, lastly, the socioeconomic conditions of the women of San Andrés de Sotavento were exposed thanks to the analysis of the documents collected in this process and under the use of a meta-synthesis where the previous studies on the problematic are reanalyzed. As a conclusion, it was found that there is a great affectation to the rights of women and children in the municipality of San Andrés de Sotavento, originated in the macho culture that imposes the roles of upbringing to the mother and the evasion of economic responsibilities by the fathers, making necessary a reinforcement of the sanctions that these evaders must face.


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