The Inefficiency of Applying the Preventive Function of a Special Character in the Colombian Criminal System 2019-2021
Resocialization, recidivism, prevention, crimes and offender.Abstract
This article presents a critical analysis regarding the high rates of recidivism of subjects resocialized by the Colombian penal system and the factors that influence the growth of this phenomenon that prevents an effective reincorporation of the convicted person into the social environment, seeking to explain why in the Colombian criminal legislation has not achieved a balance in terms of what is ideally proposed and what is materially developed, the above, due to the considerable number of convicted persons who repeat criminal actions unequivocally contrary to the proposals of the resocialization system. The high rates of recidivism in crimes by criminal subjects, will be analyzed, the responsibility on the part of the state in achieving an effective reinstatement of the convicted person and the shortcomings that prevent the punishments or consequences for committing criminal behavior from being so efficient that the same are not repeated subsequently, making it necessary to study and verify whether the application of the main prison sentence in Colombia is necessarily applicable and whether or not it complies with the special purpose of prevention included in the resocialization phase of convicted persons. In order to for this, must take into account not only the cause that generated the first conduct, but also why the convicted persons decide to commit another punishable conduct that relegates punishment as a clearly idealized function of what it should be.
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