Cambio de la política criminal e implementación del sistema cárcel abierta
Functions of sentence, open prison, recidivism, education, workAbstract
According to statistical reports proffered by state institutions, the number of repeat domestic delictualmente held in “La Modelo” Prison Establishment of Bogotá, has presented a sustained increase, occuring as a phenomenon offending state's duty to guarantee the execution of the functions of punishment contained in Article 4 of the criminal code, mainly in filing lack of effectiveness of the rules; remains possible that if this Facility Prison adopt the model of open prison where rehabilitation processes tuvieren cornerstone values such as familu, work and educatipn achieved internal resolcialized. Directly involving criminal elements such as politics, open prision, functions of punisment, recidivism, education and work. As the solution to the growing problem of recidivism tort not only the implementation of the open prison system if not a profound change in the paradigm of repressive criminal policy employed by the State, all based on building and strengthening personal values such a respect, coexistence, education and work on the assumption prisions make an enviornment thaht guarantees the rights of prisoners, human dignity and conducive to achieve their rehabilitation
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