El metaprincipio constitucional de la dignidad humana


  • Sara Lizeth Garzón Galvis Universidad Libre
  • Lida Andrea Rubiano Ramos Universidad Libre
  • Oscar Mauricio Ordoñéz Rojas Universidad Libre
  • Kevin Andrés Serrano Burgos Universidad Libre




Metaprinciple of human dignity, weighting, free personality development, resocialization and rehabilitation programs, marginality


For the effectiveness of programs aimed at re-socialization and rehabilitation of street people, we should apply the meta-principle of human dignity as it is the appropriate as a legal tool that could primarily be used to ensure decent living conditions to obtain an effectiveness of these programs, because it would limit the Free Personality Development and therefore the culture of marginality and the no involvement of people in street when entering in a program The meta-principle should be applied by the legal practitioner and that is directly applicable, exclusive and preferred over any other constitutional principle or fundamental right in the event of a conflict of interpretation


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