La responsabilidad comunitaria como herramienta práctica para lograr la eficacia jurídica de la política pública LGBTI


  • Julián Andrés Ariza Topahueso Universidad Libre
  • Daniela Catalina Venegas Montilla Universidad Libre
  • Leidy Vansessa Nieto Rojas Universidad Libre



LGBTI Community, public politics, legal ineffectiveness, legal pluralism emancipatory, community responsibility


At the beginning of the investigative process there were concepts and perceptions, that although they were far from objective reality, they were not substantial reality. The direct contact with people who belong to LGBTI really overcame what at the beginning could be validated just in some specific social areas, this without leaving aside the main shaft which consistedof public policy for LGBTI people It is clear that the effectiveness of legal norms is constantly fragmented in practice, because of multiple factors that influence the objective social reality. The effectiveness of public policies to protect LGBTI people are not an exception. In the course of research activity, it is permanently observed that the purpose of the state aimed at achieving the protection and participation of all inhabitants of the Colombian state is not factually a concrete reality and instead it goes on the contrary way of its recipients, who are constantly permeated by a number of dynamics that prevent an effective approach to this type of regulations that lead to the protection and visibility standards in contrast with other subjects of society. Therefore, it is proposed a handy tool called community responsability. If this tool is used, it shall ensure LGBTI as concrete materialization of their true interests as a community.


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