Efecto del consumo de aceite de Sacha inchi sobre la lipemia postprandial en adultos jóvenes Pereira
https://doi.org/10.18041/2323-0320/microciencia..2023.12597Palabras clave:
Sacha inchi, Metabolismo, dieta, lipemia, estado postprandialResumen
Las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles se asocian con una mala alimentación con un consumo mayor de comida procesada y menos preparaciones en casa. Los estudios demuestran que una dieta rica en ácidos grasos genera cambio en el organismo, depende de su cantidad, calidad. Por ejemplo las grasas instauradas (monoinsaturadas, poliinsaturadas, ácido eicosapentaenoico (EPA) y ácido docosahexaenoico (DHA), tienen un efecto benéfico en el metabolismo de los lípidos y el riesgo cardiovascular Por tanto, nuestro objetivo fue llevar a cabo una revisión de ensayos clínicos de los cuales se tuvieron en cuenta 6 artículos de intervenciones crónicas y agudas con harina y aceite de Sacha inchi, donde se evaluó su efecto sobre la lipemia postprandial. Por su contenido de omega 3 podría ser una buena alternativa para cubrir las necesidades de este nutriente y prevenir enfermedades cardiovasculares.
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34. Alayón AN, Jiménez IE. Metabolic status is related to the effects of adding of sacha inchi ( Plukenetia volubilis L .) oil on postprandial inflammation and lipid profile : Randomized , crossover clinical trial. 2019;(September 2018):1–8.
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38. Gonzales GF, Tello J, Zevallos-Concha A, Baquerizo L, Caballero L. Nitrogen balance after a single oral consumption of sacha inchi (Plukenetia volúbilis L.) protein compared to soy protein: a randomized study in humans. Toxicol Mech Methods. 2018;28(2):140–7.
39. Garmendia F, Pando R, Ronceros G. Effect of sacha inchi oil (Plukenetia volúbilis L) on the lipid profile of patients with Hyperlipoproteinemia. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica. 2011;28(4):628–32.
40. Wang Q, Liang X, Wang L, Lu X, Huang J, Cao J, et al. Effect of omega-3 fatty acids supplementation on endothelial function : A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Atherosclerosis [Internet]. 2012;221(2):536–43. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2012.01.006
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42. Estruch R. Anti-inflammatory effects of the Mediterranean diet: the experience of the PREDIMED study. Proc Nutr Soc. 2010;69(3):333–40.
43. Blom WAM, Koppenol WP, Hiemstra H, Stojakovic T, Scharnagl H, Trautwein EA. A lowfat spread with added plant sterols and fish omega-3 fatty acids lowers serum triglyceride and LDLcholesterol concentrations in individuals with modest hypercholesterolaemia and hypertriglyceridaemia. Eur J Nutr. 2019;58(4):1615–24.
44. Tome-Carneiro J, Crespo MC, de las Hazas MCL, Visioli F, Davalos A. Olive oil consumption and its repercussions on lipid metabolism. Nutr Rev. 2020;78(11):952–68.
45. Gorzynik-Debicka M, Przychodzen P, Cappello F, Kuban-Jankowska A, Gammazza AM, Knap N, et al. Potential health benefits of olive oil and plant polyphenols. Int J Mol Sci. 2018;19(3).
46. Yubero-Serrano EM, Lopez-Moreno J, Gomez-Delgado F, Lopez-Miranda J. Extra virgin olive oil: More than a healthy fat. Eur J Clin Nutr [Internet]. 2019 Jul 28;72(S1):8–17. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41430-018-0304-x
47. Astrup A, Magkos F, Bier DM, Brenna JT, de Oliveira Otto MC, Hill JO, et al. Saturated Fats and Health: A Reassessment and Proposal for Food-Based Recommendations: JACC State-of-theArt Review. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2020;76(7):844–57.
48. Cholewski M, Tomczykowa M, Tomczyk M. A comprehensive review of chemistry, sources and bioavailability of omega-3 fatty acids. Vol. 10, Nutrients. 2018.
49. Vicente J, de Souza Cezarino T, Pereira LJB, da Rocha EP, Sá GR, Gamallo OD, et al. Microencapsulation of sacha inchi oil using emulsion-based delivery systems. Food Res Int. 2017;99:612–22.
50. Costantini L, Molinari R, Farinon B, Merendino N. Impact of omega-3 fatty acids on the gut microbiota. Int J Mol Sci. 2017;18(12).
51. Maurer NE, Hatta-Sakoda B, Pascual-Chagman G, Rodriguez-Saona LE. Characterization and authentication of a novel vegetable source of omega-3 fatty acids, sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis L.) oil. Food Chem. 2012;134(2):1173–80.
53. Wang S, Zhu F, Kakuda Y. Sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis L.): Nutritional composition, biological activity, and uses. Food Chem [Internet]. 2018;265(May):316– 28. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.05.055
54. Cai ZQ. Shade delayed flowering and decreased photosynthesis, growth and yield of Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis) plants. Ind Crops Prod. 2011;34(1):1235–7.
55. Gonzales GF, Gonzales C, Villegas L. Exposure of fatty acids after a single oral administration of sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis L.) and sunflower oil in human adult subjects. Toxicol Mech Methods. 2014;24(1):60–9.
56. Alayón AN, Jiménez IE. Metabolic status is related to the effects of adding of sacha inchi ( Plukenetia volubilis L .) oil on postprandial inflammation and lipid profile : Randomized , crossover clinical trial. 2019;(September 2018):1–8.
57. Huamán J, Chávez K, Castañeda E, Carranza S, Chávez T, Beltrán Y, et al. ComunicaciÓN Corta. 2008;69(4):263–6.
58. Gonzales GF, Gonzales C. A randomized , double-blind placebo-controlled study on acceptability , safety and efficacy of oral administration of sacha inchi oil ( Plukenetia volubilis L .) in adult human subjects. FOOD Chem Toxicol [Internet]. 2014;65:168–76. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2013.12.039
59. Alayón AN, Ortega Avila JG, Echeverri Jiménez I. Carbohydrate metabolism and gene expression of sirtuin 1 in healthy subjects after Sacha inchi oil supplementation: A randomized trial. Food Funct. 2018;9(3):1570–7.
60. Gonzales GF, Tello J, Zevallos-Concha A, Baquerizo L, Caballero L. Nitrogen balance after a single oral consumption of sacha inchi (Plukenetia volúbilis L.) protein compared to soy protein: a randomized study in humans. Toxicol Mech Methods. 2018;28(2):140–7.
61. Garmendia F, Pando R, Ronceros G. Effect ofsacha inchi oil (Plukenetia volúbilis L) on the lipid profile of patients with Hyperlipoproteinemia. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica. 2011;28(4):628–32.
62. Wang Q, Liang X, Wang L, Lu X, Huang J, Cao J, et al. Effect of omega-3 fatty acids supplementation on endothelial function : A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Atherosclerosis [Internet]. 2012;221(2):536–43. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2012.01.006
63. Billingsley HE, Carbone S, Lavie CJ. Dietary fats and chronic noncommunicable diseases. Nutrients. 2018;10(10):1–16.
64. Estruch R. Anti-inflammatory effects of the Mediterranean diet: the experience of the PREDIMED study. Proc Nutr Soc. 2010;69(3):333–40.
65. Blom WAM, Koppenol WP, Hiemstra H, Stojakovic T, Scharnagl H, Trautwein EA. A low-fat spread with added plant sterols and fish omega-3 fatty acids lowers serum triglyceride and LDL-cholesterol concentrations in individuals with modest hypercholesterolaemia and hypertriglyceridaemia. Eur J Nutr. 2019;58(4):1615–2.
66. Tome-Carneiro J, Crespo MC, de las Hazas MCL, Visioli F, Davalos A. Olive oil consumption and its repercussions on lipid metabolism. Nutr Rev. 2020;78(11):952–68.
67. Gorzynik-Debicka M, Przychodzen P, Cappello F, Kuban-Jankowska A, Gammazza AM, Knap N, et al. Potential health benefits of olive oil and plant polyphenols. Int J Mol Sci. 2018;19(3).
68. Yubero-Serrano EM, Lopez-Moreno J, Gomez-Delgado F, Lopez-Miranda J. Extra virgin olive oil: More than a healthy fat. Eur J Clin Nutr [Internet]. 2019 Jul 28;72(S1):8–17. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41430-018-0304-x
69. Astrup A, Magkos F, Bier DM, Brenna JT, de Oliveira Otto MC, Hill JO, et al. Saturated Fats and Health: A Reassessment and Proposal for Food-Based Recommendations: JACC State-of-the- Art Review. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2020;76(7):844– 57.
70. Cholewski M, Tomczykowa M, Tomczyk M. A comprehensive review of chemistry, sources and bioavailability of omega-3 fatty acids. Vol. 10, Nutrients. 2018.
71. Vicente J, de Souza Cezarino T, Pereira LJB, da Rocha EP, Sá GR, Gamallo OD, et al. Microencapsulation of sacha inchi oil using emulsion-based delivery systems. Food Res Int. 2017;99:612–22.
72. Costantini L, Molinari R, Farinon B, Merendino N. Impact of omega-3 fatty acids on the gut microbiota. Int J Mol Sci. 2017;18(12).
73. Maurer NE, Hatta-Sakoda B, Pascual-Chagman G, Rodriguez-Saona LE. Characterization and authentication of a novel vegetable source of omega-3 fatty acids, sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis L.) oil. Food Chem. 2012;134(2):1173–80