Filiation between the mother who rent her belly and the child product of such reproduction technique in Colombia.
surrogacy contract, subsidiary status, surrogate motherhood, assisted reproduction techniques, surrogacyAbstract
Assisted reproduction techniques have been practiced in Colombia for several years; Said procedures are allowed in the Political Constitution of Colombia of 1991, in article 42; Where it refers to children procreated naturally or with scientific assistance, in pursuit of the right to form a family.
This article specifies the filiation that by the mere fact of fertilizing the embryo, in the uterus of the woman who gives birth, the legal bond is born, both of the mother and the child. That is why, in the technique of assisted reproduction of surrogate womb precisely, it must be analyzed whether there is affiliation between the woman who rents her womb and the child product of said technique when the fertilized egg is from the same woman.
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