Exceptional revocability of the adoption in Colombia according to the jurisprudential criteria of the Constitutional Court
Irrevocability of adoption, Family solidarity in adoption, Violation of rights in administrative process of reestablishment of rightsAbstract
The ICBF Family Ombudsman, through an interdisciplinary team, performs various interventions in the home of a child or adolescent whose rights are sought to be
reestablished, finding that the biological family is not a guarantor of their rights,
reestablishes these through the declaration of adoptability, as the last and most drastic
measure of protection established by the Childhood and Adolescence Code,
however, and taking into account that adoption is irrevocable according to
Colombian regulations, it is currently observed that in very exceptional cases,
family judges and subsidiarily those of guardianship, can revoke an adoption, to
know the support of that position within the framework of article 44 an 46 of the
Constitution, a jurisprudential analysis Will be carried out based on the review of some
sentences on the subject.
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