Extracontractual Responsibility of the State for the Unfulfillment of Functions of Public Entities Against Bullying in Colombia.
Education, rights, vulnerable, harassment, responsibleAbstract
This document presents the result of an investigative study that I seek centrally, to establish whether the State can be legally imputed under the regime of extra-contractual liability for the action and omission in the fulfillment of functions, objectives and responsibilities of the public entities that must give observance and obedience to the legal framework on bullying in Colombia, for this it was proposed to solve the following problem question: Is the State liable extracontractually for the action and omission in the fulfillment of functions, objectives and responsibilities of the public entities that must give observance and obedience to the legal framework on bullying in Colombia? For its development, and to respond to the proposed proposal, a legal methodology was used, since a study of the legal system is made in relation to school v i o l e n c e a n d t h e t h e o r y o f S t a t e responsibility and a documentary technique is used. Therefore, to achieve the objective, it was carried out through a review, study, analysis of the norm, the Constitution, jurisprudence and doctrine.
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