Preprocessal conciliation in complainable crimes as an alternative to resolve conflicts.


  • Paula Tatiana Niño Rodriguez Universidad Libre
  • Gloria Lucia Téllez Durán Universidad Libre


Pre-procedural conciliation, indictable crimes, alternative dispute resolution mechanism, personal injury, restorative justice


Within this article the reader will find a study of the pre-procedural conciliation in plaintiff crimes as an alternative for conflict resolution, which will have the deepening of constitutional and procedural norms such as Law 906 of 2004 and Law 1826 of 2017 issued by the Congress of the Republic.
Although it will further investigate concepts relevant to the main topic that will help clarify and expand the knowledge of Pre procedural Conciliation, as an alternative means of Conflict Resolution and Informal Justice, associated and included in our legislation through Constitutional jurisprudence.
Likewise, the study of restorative justice within this article will be the most relevant and concrete abstract point where with this we will obtain a final conclusion to our study and problem raised.


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How to Cite

Niño Rodriguez, P. T. ., & Téllez Durán, G. L. . (2020). Preprocessal conciliation in complainable crimes as an alternative to resolve conflicts. Ius Praxis, 4(2), 18-33.