Extension of the hereditary vocation in the fourth successorial order of the colombian civil code: The Uncles
Hereditary order, fourth degree, equality, uncles, succession intestateAbstract
On August 2, 2018, Law 1934 was issued, through which the Colombian Civil Code on Succession was amended and added. In which despite there being a modification to article 1045 regarding the first hereditary order, an extension to the other orders was not carried out by the legislator. Despite the provisions presumably adequate by the legislator, the exclusion of relatives of the third degree of consanguinity persists, as is the case of the so- called uncles when inheriting intestately.
The objectives of this study have their factual and legal basis in that failure of the legislator at the time of issuing Law 1934 of 2018 in connection with the need for the foregoing to be implemented in the Colombian Civil Code.
Circumstances by which exhaustive investigations were carried out in order to demonstrate the importance of uncles (as) within a family nucleus and because they must be included in the fourth order of Successors established by Colombian regulations. Taking into account the aforementioned, priority is given to advising the legislator to carry out a complement to Law 1934 of 2018 in order to expand the fourth hereditary order
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