Domestic violence The family economy as a generator of violence against women


  • Diana Esperanza Castellanos Castellanos Universidad Libre
  • Liliana Eugenia García Cala Universidad Libre


Colombia, raised to constitutional norm the protection and defense of the family taking into account that it is the essential pillar of humanity, in such a way it calls upon the State and society to ensure respect for the rights of each member that is part of this social group, since, without making any distinction between them, they have the same guarantees inherent to every person. Therefore, it seeks to maintain respect and harmony among them, taking into account that domestic violence may occur, which can be defined as any act of physical force against another person, causing physical or psychological injuries temporarily or permanently, or may even lead to the death of the victim. This type of violence can take different forms such as physical, psychological, sexual, economic and/or patrimonial.


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How to Cite

Castellanos Castellanos, D. E. ., & García Cala, L. E. . (2022). Domestic violence The family economy as a generator of violence against women. Ius Praxis, 3(2), 68-81.