The challenges emerging in the control of urban planning for police inspectors with the entry into effect of law 1801 of 2016 national code of security and citizen coexistence Cap. XIV Urban planning
National Code of Citizen Coexistence, Assigned Functions, urban control, Police InspectionAbstract
Through the application of a qualitative- documentary research, with a legal approach; It is intended to identify the difficulties that emerge from the functions assigned to the police inspection, with the entry into force of Law 1801 of 2016
¨National Code of Citizen Coexistence¨ with respect to Cap. XIV and what concerns urban control. Thus, as a first measure, an analysis of the new functions attributed in light of Law 1801 of 2016 is pertinent, since t h i s b e c o m e s t h e v e r y b a s i s o f understanding that, assertively, will lead to determining the type actions that configure in the municipality of Moniquirá, the main urban infractions, and therefore the emerging challenges for inspection, as a result of the entry into force of this new Code of Citizen Coexistence, understanding that it has as its main purpose to establish scenarios of agreement between the authority and the citizens, since their character and essence; it is clearly determined by a preventive rather
than sanctioning sense, but that in the face of the citizen's non-compliance with the recommendations made by the authority, and an act different from what the law establishes, they end up configuring the sanction protected in the New Code. In this sanctioning scenario, there are a series of challenges that must be assumed by those who act as inspectors, and it is necessary to clearly establish this series of challenges, focusing on them, in the short term, becoming a course taken and not failed, by the inspection of the municipality of Moniquirá.
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