Constitutional foundation of implementation of test of proportionality of the corrective measures imposed by urban development integrity


  • Anny Delmar Suárez López Universidad Libre
  • David Hernando Rueda Acero Universidad Libre


Test of proportionality, public space, corrective measures, urban development integrity, coexistence


The Social Rule of Law has as an essential purpose to ensure the peaceful coexistence of the entire community, this guarantee is materialized by providing public spaces for the development of life in society. Impacts that are caused to the detriment of urban development integrity will be prevented through a police process carried out by authorities in this regard, subject to the principle of legitimate trust and primarily the principle of proportionality. The latter finds its development in the Colombian constitutional jurisprudence that has a prevailing character for all administrative actions.


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How to Cite

Suárez López, A. D. ., & Rueda Acero, D. H. . (2022). Constitutional foundation of implementation of test of proportionality of the corrective measures imposed by urban development integrity. Ius Praxis, 3(2), 19-33.