Implications of Legislative Act 01 of 2005 in the Collective Agreements of the Workers of the Mayor's Office of Bucaramanga, <2005 to 2012>
Legislative act, collective convention of work, Antinomy in the juridical classification of the labor right, acquired rights, rights collective irrenunciablesAbstract
The investigation allowed to reach the conclusion that you/they exist "acquired Rights" <that are irrenunciables according to the C.S.T> in the collective recruiting in matter pensional, and the respect to the conventional special régime between the governorship of Bucaramanga and its workers, under The help of the political constitution and the international agreements of the OIT. Another result accent to feel in the great impact that the legislative act 01 of the 2005 make on the collective conventions of work <it affects the collective right>, specifically the collective Convention of the workers of the governorship of Bucaramanga whose validity concludes December of 2012, 31 since I eliminate the régime conventional pensional. The investigation generates an expectation on the bottom pronouncements that utter the discharges courts of our country, <that allow to solve this paradox or contradiction irresoluble to the date, antinomy in the labor, administrative and constitutional juridical classification> and that it allows to build an idea of how the Labor Judges of Instance apply an auxiliary approach of the judicial activity as it is it the jurisprudence, to settle the controversies in matter pensional; maximum when starting from July 31 2010 according to the new constitutional precepts the collective conventions of work lose validity as for the agreements you pension them extralegales.
Acto legislativo 001 de 2005
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