Evolution of the Fiscal Framework of the municipality of Socorro, Santander, as a public policy mechanism, in the permanent search for a decrease in the index of unsatisfied basic needs and poverty reduction (2013/2015)
The Medium Term Fiscal Framework, Budget, Revenues, Needs, Unsatisfied BasicAbstract
The Medium-Term Fiscal Framework, is considered as the basis of analysis of the financial structure of the administration of the municipality of Socorro, which according to law line should be reviewed annually in the implementation of its goals, to determine the necessary adjustments so you can correct any breaches, own situations of state activity. Allowing also make future projections made at budget level projections of any endogenous or exogenous situation that could directly affect the financial performance of the municipality of Socorro. Overall, the municipality of Socorro is in category classified according to the criteria sixth Income Streams Free Distillation and population, provided by law 617 of 2000. Based on own regulatory instruments and components for the development of public policies, enshrined in the Laws 358 1997, 550 1999, 617 2000, 819 2003, for which it has made a careful analysis of the fiscal situation of the same, where not only the income and current expenditures are related, but liabilities plus the city in recent years has acquired are identified. Besides obviously it determines whether legal limits on borrowing, debt sustainability and operating expenses are met
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