Administrative Acts Labor Medical Court of military and police review against the Tutela action




Action of guardianship, administrative act of a particular nature, cessation of labor, medical process effects, irreparable prejudice, jurisdiction Constitution


At the moment of utter sentences as a result of the guardianship proceedings initiated as a mechanism for the protection of fundamental rights, constitutional judge should not resolve with cessation of effects of administrative acts of a particular nature produced by the medical Labour Court of military review, concluding with the labour medical process by a member of the force public police national of the Department of Santander.

The assessment of the administrative act must be task of the administrative jurisdiction, unless it is established in its true dimension, an irreparable prejudice. Uses an approach socio-legal and interdisciplinary, theoretical method (analysis and synthesis) and documentary analysis.


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How to Cite

AGUILAR MARÍN, D. (2018). Administrative Acts Labor Medical Court of military and police review against the Tutela action. Ius Praxis, 2(2), 103-115.