News of the social security of the coffee collecting workers in the department of Santander, 2014/2015
Coffee pickers, social security, periodic economic, social benefitsAbstract
With this article we are looking for analyze which are the minimum guarantees in matters of rural workers' social security, who serve as coffee harvesters in Santander department. Every year, Colombian government is searching ensure that everyone on its territory can access to social security, it has created several public policies through which suggest to benefit people who are in informal employment and do not have enough means to access to a health system and to have a minimum pension for their good old age, much less when they are not guaranteed the right to obtain a monthly minimum salary.
With these benefits and subsidies for people who cannot have access to a health system and minimum pension, the Colombian State looks for covering the basic needs of each inhabitant of its territory. So that is why, in all the colombian townships, residents, mainly people without economic enough resources, can access through the right to subsidized health regime
Granados, Luis A. El reto de la seguridad social frente a los trabajadores.
Osorio, Adriana. Recolectores de café tendrían pensión y riesgos laborales.
Colombia. Congreso. Constitución Política De Colombia 1991. Bogotá:
Encuestas realizadas a propietarios de finca y recolectores de café en varias fincas ubicadas en los sectores rurales de los municipios de Socorro, San gil y Aratoca.
Portales de internet 0776202/0fc188e6e8709a030525723000003608/$FILE/Cap%C3%ADtulo%20IV.pdf.
http://www.federacionindex.php/comments/lan_estrategico_de_la_fnc_avanza_a_buen_ri tmo/