Efficiency as a source of administrative law within the land restitution process.


  • Julián Darío Girón
  • Yoiner José Moreno Páez


Efficacy, Macro-targeting, Principles, Restitution, Victims


In this research article we intend to show how clearly the interpretation of the principle of effectiveness allows objectively to advance in the materialization of the purposes proposed by law 1448 of 2011 this within the administrative procedure that arises within the Special Administrative Unit of Management of Restitution of Dispossessed Lands, once the victim of displacement or dispossession due to the actors of the armed conflict, goes to the entity to become a beneficiary of the restitution of their property or receive financial compensation due to the material impossibility of giving it to them again. Within this administrative procedure, which is mandatory if the judicial stage is to begin, for the land judge to issue a judgment on the request, there is a procedure called macro-targeting and micro-targeting, which is not subject to any term by law., which causes an indefinite interruption of the restitution process, affecting the victim and her claim with this situation, an issue resolved by Sentence T-679/15 by the Constitutional Court.


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How to Cite

Girón, J. D., & Moreno Páez, Y. J. (2018). Efficiency as a source of administrative law within the land restitution process. Ius Praxis, 2(1), 69-77. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/lux_praxis/article/view/6963