The foster child in the Colombian legal system
Foster childern, prohijamineto, adoption, children of family, kinship, family groupAbstract
Problem in the distribution of inheritance, the children of the family constituted by fact or by the bond of marriage, faced with foster children that are under custody care monitored parental care. The herenciales and even intangible assets and other assets representing an economic value become a cause of fighting. Objective Analysing the figure of the Son of aging in the Colombian legal system. Methodology, Legal type Basic research relies on Jurisprudence of the high courts; deductive method of conceptualizing foster children in the case law up to an inductive method that determines the differences between the prohijamiento parenting and adoption, foster parent is used; Results, the foster family comes when a child has been separated from his biological family and care for another family for a considerable period, which has helped develop mutual bonding, such that separate involve affect the psychological and emotional stability of the child "; Conclusion the civil code provides forms of kinship, the first is by consanguinity,affinity and civil. You could then say that the foster child is linked to the famili affinity to the constituted family gropu, which is integratd into the feelings of the familiy member with respecto, affection and solidarity, identified as another member as with adopted children
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