Penal responsibility for environmental damage, an analysis in the Colombian legal framework.
Collective right, Environmental law, Negative impact, Prevention, Caution, SustainabilityAbstract
The failure and the little legal importance in the application of the environmental principles of Prevention and Caution are notorious, a situation that generates an environmental damage, violating the right of Colombians to enjoy a healthy environment and transgressing the principle of sustainability, from where The question arises What is the legal argumentation of criminal responsibility for environmental damage in Colombia?, considering as a general objective To determine the interpretation and legal argumentation of criminal responsibility for environmental damage within the social and democratic state of law, as To the methodology it is about. Socio-legal research that applies the inductive method as it seeks to reach conclusions or general theories on the subject of responsibility for environmental damage through the analysis of particular cases, applying theoretical developments. It can be concluded that individual or collective environmental damage is an issue of social, ethical and economic interest, its approach from the doctrine is framed in a legal plus, yet does not have the rigor, severity and depth necessary to show conservation results, Protection and balance between the use, exploitation and exploitation of natural resources and the environment, it is considered that this is due to the fact that the issue has political and economic connotations that collide with the environment, sometimes omitting the technical significance of the engineering sciences in this issue Engineers in this matter.
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