Plan de mejoramiento en aguas naturales-residuales con filtros caseros
Pollution, water resources, natural wáter, wastewater, filter, gravelAbstract
The man hasn't been aware of the responsibility that represents the conservation, preservation and water consumption, in terms of quality and quantity, therefore, the main was to implement an improvement plan for natural-wastewater through household filters with a type of quantitative research, performing the calculation of the amount of bacteria present in the tributaries of the population and also the flow level needed for operation of the filter without this being affected. Water analysis and regulations showed that such liquid is unfit for human consumption and that the damages that are occurring are present as a result of water pollution, both houses and in the streams who fill them. This analysis showed large amount of total and fecal coliforms. In conclusión, it is important to note that the water samples initially taken not meet the established standards since none of its parameters were within the ranges established by Decree 2115 of 2007, and that after making a filter scale was determined what the most efficient materials, assembly, and the amount to be used to have the best performance are.
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