Filtro y purificador de gasolina en talleres de mecánica
Combustion, flitration, petrol, porosityAbstract
In mechanical workshops of the municipality of Socorro, it is common to see people engaged in this task, use gasoline as cleaner automotive mechanical parts, polluting it with dirt and fat particles metals. The purpose of the research was to identify what differences exist physical and chemical level throughout the filtration process gasoline and thus implement a solution to the problem. The project was developed through experimental and descriptive methodology and was performed in the municipality of Socorro Santander, at an elevation of 1350 meters above sea level, at latitude 7º N and a length of 73º W. The results indicated that the combustion time decreases greatly; to quantify the mass of gasoline contaminated compared to the filtered it shows a reduction and therefore the density diminishes, this because during the process are retained some hydrocarbons that affect these variables. Concluding that after performing the filtering process the mass of the filtered gasoline compared to the contaminated decreases 13.64% as the density, the particulate material in gasoline reduced by 69.31% and the amount of CO2 emitted reduces drastically.
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