Determinación del desperdicio en el consumo energético de la hacienda majavita
Design, efficiency, economy, energy, MajavitaAbstract
For the Universidad Libre Sectional Socorro it is very important to quantify energy waste taking extra economic costs incurred for the institution. By identifying the habits and elements that generate electrical waste, it can design a savings plan to reduce consumption, taking as shown in the sectional Hacienda Majavita. The aim of the project was to determine the efficiency in energy consumption in Hacienda Majavita of the Universidad Libre Sectional Socorro, taking into account the historical monthly consumption from 2010 to 2015. The methodology used was quantitative with descriptive type and scope; measuring the amount of electricity consumed by the Hacienda Majavita and the cost involved. Among the most significant results it found that within the historical consumption of Hacienda Majavita no uniform consumption of the three counters studied trend, months minimum consumption and maximum were evaluated independently by each counter, being march 2011, november 2012 and december 2012, were those in which greater consumption presented. In conclusion, it was determined that the electricity consumption in the Hacienda has a 32.5% waste, stressing that so far the investigation had no room M12 projected for that place teams, however taken into account in consumption theoretical.
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