Establecimiento de banco proteico del frijol tephrosia (cinerea fabaceae) con diferentes tipos de fertilización.
Biomass, farming, fertilzation, nutrition, regrowthAbstract
¿Seasons of drought and food shortages in the country generate eating disorders in animals, an alternative is the implementation of protein banks, to evaluate the effect of organic fertilization on plant height and costs associated with the types of Tephrosia beans planting systems (favaceae Cinerea) cut pairing. For the project two locations of Santander were chosen; the experimental design was a randomized complete block (BCA) with 6 treatments. Three repetitions using two planting methods (direct "SD" nursery "bag"), the treatments were 100 % chicken manure (SD), T2: 100 % chicken manure (bag); T3: 100 % microbial broth (SD), T4: 100 % microbial broth (bag); T5: Mixed “50 % chicken manure and 50 % microbial broth (SD)”; T6: Mixed “50 % chicken manure and 50 % microbial broth” (bag). Variables were used: Height and costs; the results obtained by analyzing the variable height in the village 1 showed significant differences (P <0.05). Among the treatments it was found that treatments 1 and 5 (150,2cm and 149,5cm) were the best, compared with treatments 2 and 6 (64,8cm and 76,8cm) high respectively. In the second plot, treatments were homogeneous. A positive trend for SD was observed in both locations. The costs ranged from $ 29,520 treatment, concluding that performing S.D. and organic fertilization the best results are obtained in both height and cost.
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