Utilización de levaduras (saccharomyces cerevisiae) en la dieta de cerdos durante el periodo de ceba


  • Adriana Zarate Higuera Universidad Libre
  • Elkin Hernández Gómez Universidad Libre
  • Javier Valbuena Hernández Universidad Libre
  • Olga Ximena Aguilar Universidad Libre


Feed intake, finisher feed, weight gain, probiotic


The exclusion of antibiotics for animal diets risks to human health has led to reduced growth rates and increased production costs. Consequently, must be found safe and effective alternatives such as probiotics to counteract this problem. Under the experimental investigation applied type, the purpose was to determine the effect of including yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in the diet of finishing pigs. The project was developed on the farm Villa Madrigal, Vereda Piedra de Rayo, municipality of Valle de San José (1150 m at 23° C), and a group of 9 x Landrace pigs Pietrain used with an age of 105 days and 70+ / - 5 kg weight. 3 levels of yeast inclusion (0%, 1.25% and 2.5%) of the ration in a completely randomized design with three treatments and three repetitions were worked; for this, the animals were housed in individual pens, feeder and watered independent. It was determined, that the treatments did not significantly affect productive behavior variables such as: feed intake, weight gain and feed conversion (P> 0.05). Concluding that according to past performance is not appropriate to include the yeast in the diet of finishing pigs from the point of technically and economically; at least inclusion levels used in this study.


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How to Cite

Zarate Higuera, A., Hernández Gómez, E., Valbuena Hernández, J., & Aguilar, O. X. (2015). Utilización de levaduras (saccharomyces cerevisiae) en la dieta de cerdos durante el periodo de ceba. Innovando En La U, 7, 57-64. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/innovando/article/view/3921