La Tienda escolar, herramienta para fortalecer las operaciones básicas matemáticas mediante la resolución de problemas
General processes, strategies, performance levelsAbstract
The project's general objective is to strengthen basic mathematical operations by solving problems using as a teaching tool school shop in the San Jose Guanenta school C sede in fourth grade students because there are evidenced difficulties in them through the results of the diagnostic test and SABER tests. For application, collection and analysis of both numerical and non-numerical information we opted for action investigation, and as a mixed approach inductive - deductive method, which allowed a better understanding about the problem. The strategy showed satisfactory results in improving performance levels in solving problems involving the use of basic operations, comparing the results of the initial diagnostic test and final test because they pass a low level to a high level , showing when are used motivational strategies such as "store Guanentina" the development of reasoning is achieved, problem solving, communication, modeling and exercise procedures as general processes of mathematics, making children tidier in the use of methods such as Pólya suggested, this method lead them to be more competent in solving situations.
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