El Impacto del WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital) en la valoración de empresas.
Capital assets, costo of capital, cash flow, Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)Abstract
The article is developed based on the importance which has the impact of methods for valuing companies, specifically trying WACC; for its acronym in: Weighted Average Cost of Capital (Promedio Ponderado del Costo de Capital).By the structure of the formula, intended to exhibit the connection they have different elements in it, and the need to identify the assets that actually generate cash flows, namely, capital assets, recognizing in turn, how these assets are financed through equity and liabilities. The aspects that should be taken into consideration upon valuation a company are multiple, since the value would vary according to the perceptions or the reasons of those interested and according to the information, the sector, the context, and the employed method, amongst others. The Main conclusion is that, within the analyses of a company’s investment, the valuation process becomes indispensable due to the implicit transferring of value and due to the definition of important issues for the normal performance and the efficient development of the company’s activities.
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