Desarrollo empresarial de las mujeres capacitadas por el Centro Integral de la Mujer de Bucaramanga
Bucaramanga’s town, Courses, entrepreneurship, financing, economic independence, Public PoliticAbstract
The Mayor of Bucaramanga has a subprogram called Integral Center for Women based on Public Policy of Women and Gender Equality (Fernandez, 2011)in this town, which consists of six axes of which this research was based on Axis of Right the Generation of Income and Employment, where the impact of the courses offered by the Integral Center for Women in arts or trades when setting up a business or economic independence was assessed. The research project was conducted for six months and was aimed at a type of quantitative research - descriptive because it was based on facts and figures obtained through the development of a survey of 172 women trained in the CIM in 2013 and 2014. The results were analyzed and thus evaluate the courses offered by the Mayor of Bucaramanga through the CIM and it was concluded that a further boost entrepreneurship in these courses is necessary because many of the people surveyed are trained for this type of business, but they do not take the risk of venturing into creating a business because of the obstacles in their roads, plus they do not seek mechanisms to overcome these obstacles that would lead them to the creation of female-owned company in the city of Bucaramanga.
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