Aplicabilidad de las normas, sobre tenencia de caninos y comparendos ambientales, en Bucaramanga, Santander.
pets, environment, regulations, parksAbstract
In the public places of Bucaramanga city, the increase the dog population and the presence of these animals in public parks, and other public places visited by humans, were often pets are walked, trained, becomes a problem when pets do their physiological needs there. This is generating an increasing deterioration of these vital spaces in cities because such places are intended to reduce environmental impact generate by the city itself, and that is why they are called urban lungs. Furthermore, there is a potential danger in these public areas, as more and more aggressive dog races are taken into parks, endangering the visitors and passersby. In addition, it is discussed, the ignorance about the environmental regulations regarding having dogs as pets and the existence of penalties related to this matter by the authorities and the owners or holders of dogs.
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