Distribución espacial de temperatura en las calzadas de la zona central del municipio del Socorro
Área, Localización, Mapa, Material de la calle, Térmico, Velocidad del vientoAbstract
Climate change in urban centers provides thermal discomfort to people, affecting their quality of life. However, there is little information about how the height difference affects the temperature of a particular place. Thus, it is useful to generate a map of the spatial distribution of temperature of the surface coverage of the central sector of the Municipality of El Socorro. For this, two measurements of surface temperature a week for five weeks considering this material, and atmospheric variables, such as speed, wind direction, height above sea level and relative humidity were performed. A thematic map was generated. The average temperature for the asphalt was 31.58 ° C for the concrete was 32.48 ° C and the pavement was 30.42 ° C. In general the maximum surface temperature was 58.3 º C and the minimum was 17.3 ° C. It was also found that the buildings or wooded areas located in some of the measured points will significantly affect thermal sensation you lower surface coverage and the atmospheric temperature is directly proportional to this sensation.
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