Determinación de propiedades físicas de los suelos en la zona central del municipio del Socorro
Classification, density, permeability, resistance and sampleAbstract
In the town of Socorro, Santander primary soil characteristics such as classification, permeability, density and soil strength are unknown, therefore do not have full information to facilitate the sustainable use of this resource. To determine the physical characteristics of a collection of primary data information,taking georeferenced sampling points, then six samples were taken at each point a soil sample for classification, field permeability, density and soil strength was made was made to 0.65 and 1.15 meters. Three types of soils were presented, well graded sands representing 67% of the samples if Border 25% and 8% poorly graded sands, for samples five six permeability was low and the remaining are in the middle level according to darcy classification. The sample with the lowest density was 1.62 g/cm3 was sometimes as filler, the highest density was close to the theoretical 1.99 to 2 g/cm3 g/cm3. The floors of the downtown area of relief mainly fall well graded sands, with greater than 78% moisture, soils are classified as medium permeability and density is in a range of 1.62 to 1.99 g/cm3 varying by the amount of debris in the sample of 14.86% strength really low, high correlation as 89.55% was obtained.
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