Determinación de la demanda del plaguicida natural “Healthy Nature” en el municipio del Socorro
Blight, Demand, Organic, Pesticide, ProductAbstract
The next Project pretends to find a guess about the demand that it exist in the town of Socorro, Santander about the products used to the fumigation of different kind of blights into the crops and plants that there are typical in the region. This report looks for to establish as the disposition of cultivator people to start using organic products as the quality given by the different sellers, and what they are waiting for a new kind of product in an old kind of market. To the demand's product establishment in Socorro's market. It will be made a quantitative measure through the use of surveys as to the sellers as to the applicants of this kind of products, through which the brand, the quality and the first characteristics will be established to find the key factor to inclusion of the product into the market in a successful way. Between the top answers that could be found, it could be appointed that the applicants aren't totally satisfied about the quality of the leader brand, and they are minded to start using sustainable products as long their quality is as good as the other kind of pesticides and that their price can be reachable for them.
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