Importancia de los índices bursátiles en el mercado de Colombia
Stock exchange, stock index, emerging markets, volatilityAbstract
The investigation is aimed to provide information on market indicators as a tool for easy understanding for decision making in the market for emerging Colombia, seeking to publicize the importance existing between market Colombia with the stock indices , in order to achieve easy and more understanding of them, and the impact this can generate globally. For the development of this work was descriptive and documentary, and is characterized by giving a broad overview of the major stock indices (IBEX 35-Bag of Spain, FTSE 100-LSE-DAX 30 Bag Frankurt- , NIKKEI 225, Tokyo Stock Exchange, DOW JONES, NASDAQ 100, S & P 500, NYSE-, BOVESPA, Brazil stocks-IGBC-Bag Colombia-IPSA - Bag of Chile, General Index-Bag Peru- ) and how they influence the emerging market of Colombia. Through this research it was concluded that emerging markets are unique to countries developing their economies are unstable, but due to the existence of economies of scale they should place their shares on capital markets and measured by stock indices, and which are the only means of unbiased information and easy to understand for investors.
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