Evaluación de dos dietas alternativas para cerdos en la etapa de engorde
Food, bore, costs, fish silage, weight gainAbstract
Swine production food represents 70 to 80 % of costs in developing countries can not be based on cereal imports , by instability of supply and prices. The objective is to determine the effect of two alternative diets pig fattening stage on zootechnical parameters ; The pig farm Abejonal was conducted in the municipality of San José Valle ( Santander) located at 1,250 meters above sea level , temperature of 23 ° C and precipitation is 1,717 mm. Crossing twelve pigs ( Landrace X Duroc X Pietrain ) three months, average weight of 70kg were used ; the animals were kept in separate cages , the experimental period was 38 days with eight days of habituation . Weight measurements were performed every eight days. Witness or commercial feed and two alternative diets isonitrogenous and isocaloric with bore and fish silage , respectively treatments as provided . The experimental design was completely random. As a result , no differences between the experimental diets (p > 0.05 ) treatment with fish silage were observed feed efficiency was higher than the other treatments but the cost-benefit ratio is higher in the bore diet. Therefore the use of raw materials in the region in the diet of fattening pigs does not affect your weight gain or becoming productive behavior efficient economic alternative.
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