Crecimiento y conversión alimenticia de tilapia roja “Oreochromis sp” con diferentes frecuencias de alimentación.


  • Heliberto Niño Universidad Libre
  • Olga Ximena Aguilar Galvis Universidad Libre


Water quality, feed conversion, feeding strategies, food frequency, weight gain, survival


As for most aquaculture species , tilapia feed represents 50-75% of production costs in intensive and semi -intensive systems . Therefore knowledge of the optimal ration for any species involves supplying the food necessary to achieve greater efficiency and achieve maximum growth of the organisms thus reducing overeating . The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of feeding frequency on the growth of tilapia. The fish Oreochromis sp were distributed in three ponds in each treatment started off with four replicates ( 10 animals / replicate) . The absolute growth rate , mortality, conversion rate and yield per unit area in the breeding of red tilapia fingerlings were analyzed. It was determined in the water pH , total hardness , COD, nitrite, nitrate , dissolved oxygen and turbidity total solids ) . The data analysis was performed under a completely randomized design . The results obtained in the different treatments food frequency revealed no significant differences ( P> 0.05) in fish growth , survival in areas such as IT ( 23%), TII ( 18%), TIII ( 45 % ); TI increased total weight (3.01 g ) , TII ( 4.23 g TIII (1.9 g ), total feed intake TI ( 11.92 g ) TII (12.5 g ) and TIII (16.95 g ) daily consumption ( g / fish / day ) TI ( 0.41 ) , TII ( 0.43 ) , TIII ( 0.58 ) feed conversion ratio TI (4:1 ) TII ( 3.3:1 ) and TIII ( 12.9:1 ) and protein efficiency ratio ( g ) TI ( 135 ) TII (190) and TIII ( 86). Provide food in a single dose or divided into up to nine servings of frequency did not influence the growth and survival of tilapia Oreochromis sp under the conditions of this experiment


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How to Cite

Niño, H., & Aguilar Galvis, O. X. (2014). Crecimiento y conversión alimenticia de tilapia roja “Oreochromis sp” con diferentes frecuencias de alimentación. Innovando En La U, 6, 59-66.