Educación penal

Eliminación de factores de riesgo en el desarrollo del adolescente


  • Juan Sebastián Alarcón Gómez Universidad Libre
  • Amanda Parra Cárdenas Universidad Libre


Family environment, Minor offender, Educational and behavioral prevention, criminal policy, violence


The contents of this Colombian law is the existence of the child as a subject of rights and obligations, as well demonstrated by the Colombian government with the ratification of these estates comprehensive protection to the issuance of a law of childhood and adolescence 1098 , 2006 , containing in it necessary for the child's social control tools , expressing restorative justice for the child and the victims, and based on a provision that recognizes rights that were lost by the causality of a minor without control. The general objective of the research project proposes to establish in the field of crime prevention by minors knowledge of their responsibility and the sanctions imposed by the Colombian penal code . The methodology followed is Theoretical and Applicative character develops an approximation and construction of knowledge based on concepts for the development of the objectives we worked with the inductive method based on the behavior of the child to reach general aspects , the information was classified , tabulated and reviewed against the Colombian criminal law and law and childhood and adolescence


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Código de Infancia y Adolescencia (Ley 1098 de 2006)







How to Cite

Alarcón Gómez, J. S., & Parra Cárdenas, A. (2014). Educación penal: Eliminación de factores de riesgo en el desarrollo del adolescente. Innovando En La U, 6, 39-47.