Modelos de seguridad social en derecho comparado


  • Flor María Torres Guzmán Universidad Libre
  • Rossana Díaz Rodríguez Universidad del Valle
  • Carlos Fernando Morantes Franco Universidad Libre


Affiliation, Wellbeing coverage, financing, social policy system


This research refers to the theoretical framework of various models of social security in the world, namely the English model, German and mixed. The problem that has been raised is: What are the characteristic features that define the social security models: English, German and mixed ?. Target is plotted: determining the characteristic elements that define the models of social security: English, German and mixed. This research is descriptive in nature as it seeks to determine the characteristics and qualities of social security models under study. Currently stand as models conceptually defined mixed English German Model,, and. On the one hand, the German model which is characterized by compulsory social insurance and funding is provided by employers and insurers, with government s u b s i d y. S e c o n d l y, t h e E n g l i s h m o d e l i s characterized by its social security aid-against all tax-financed social needs, a situation that entails solidarity at the national level. And the mixed model, which integrates essential elements of the two models mentioned above. Unable to find a unique and representative model Social Security, since most of the existing models of social security have taken aspects, tools and experiences of others, which is why it is very important to know about its rise and progress.


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How to Cite

Torres Guzmán, F. M., Díaz Rodríguez, R., & Morantes Franco, C. F. (2014). Modelos de seguridad social en derecho comparado. Innovando En La U, 6, 19-27.