Conductancia estomática, diversidad florística y mesofauna edáfica en un bosque y sistema agroforestal, Hacienda Majavita


  • Lilian Astrith Chaparro Granados
  • Chirley Daly Gordillo Benavides
  • Lucia Fernanda Luna Larrota
  • Juan Sebastian Marín Suarez



Agroforestry, forest, stomatal conductance, biodiversity indices, mesofauna, optimization of water


At Hacienda Majavita there are forest covers (made up of low secondary vegetation according to CORINE Land Cover (IDEAM, 2010) and agroforestry system (trees with coffee), in which the state of floristic diversity, stomatal conductance and mesofauna is unknown. For this research, a two-factor experimental design was implemented for each of the variables studied. The ANOVA analysis revealed 99% confidence significant differences between the stomatal conductance of the forest (192.6 mmol / m2s) and agroforestry system (299.0 mmol / m2s), being the last one the highest. The stomatal conductance of the species in descending order was, Cedrela odorata L., Inga edulis Mart, Coffea arabica, Inga vera subsp. spuria (Willd) J. Leon, Zanthoxylum rhoifolium Lam, Nectandra turbacensis (Kunth) Nees (agroforestry system), Nectandra turbacensis (Kunth) Nees (of Forest) and Anacardium excelsum (Bertero ex Kunth) Skeels. The Shannon-Weaver, Simpson, McIntosh, Bulla and Kempton diversity indices indicated greater diversity, distribution and less floristic dominance in the agroforestry system; In this coverage, a more variety of edaphic organisms was evidenced, which make up the groups; chilopods, oligochetes, isoptera and coleoptera; unlike the forest where only the chilopod group was found.


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How to Cite

Chaparro Granados, L. A., Gordillo Benavides , C. D. ., Luna Larrota, L. F. ., & Marín Suarez , J. S. . (2023). Conductancia estomática, diversidad florística y mesofauna edáfica en un bosque y sistema agroforestal, Hacienda Majavita. Innovando En La U, 12, 47-57.