La música y la producción de textos narrativos
creation, ideas, music, narrative, written, production.Abstract
Texts written over time have been synonymous with complexity for most individuals and even more so in the process that is required for their production. Although there are models established by different theorists to carry out the writing of texts, the interest in implementing motivating agents that guide and facilitate it has rarely been demonstrated. The objective of the research is to use music as a pedagogical tool for the production of narrative texts, in order to strengthen communicative competence. Besides the research that is carried out, it is of qualitative studies the reality within a natural context, therefore it allows to design and apply a pedagogical tool such as music for the production of narrative texts in seventh grade students from colleges Luis Carlos Galán from Vado Real, Escuela Industrial from Oiba and the Instituto Técnico Carlos Ardila Garcıá . Once the results obtained in terms of textual production were evaluated, taking into account the semantic, pragmatic and syntactic components, it was possible to show that the students of the three schools presented a superior performance, once the music was implemented as a pedagogical tool, which leads us to conclude the efficiency of the strategy for this type of communication processes.
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