Determinación del método más eficiente en la migración del catión potasio en caolinita analítica sometido a un campo eléctrico uniforme


  • María Victoria Flórez Guzmán
  • Sandy Yulieht Gómez Fernández
  • Lizzette Viviana González Cuadros
  • Sandra Rodríguez Naranjo
  • Juan Ernesto Almeira Ospina



Electrokinetic cell, electrode, electromigration, ions


Due to the great contamination present in the soil by anthropic action, the evaluation was carried out for the removal of soil contaminants such as metals, through the electromigration system, which consists of subjecting ions to potential differential constant so that they are transported to the oppositely charged electrode. This is that positively charged ions (cations) such as potassium are transported to the negatively charged electrode, and negatively charged ions (anions) are transported to the positively charged electrode. The transport evaluation consisted of two methods, two identical acrylic cells were built, each consisting of three chambers: the first cationic, a 100ppm potassium solution, analytical kaolinite in the central chamber, and finally deionized water in the third anodic chamber. . The first method adapted a vibration system through a speaker and the second without vibration. The objective of the investigation was to determine if the method with vibration is more efficient than the method without vibration for the migration of the potassium cation in kaolinite subjected to a due to the fact that it is the one that migrates the least energy with the highest concentration of this.


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How to Cite

Flórez Guzmán, M. V., Gómez Fernández, S. Y., González Cuadros, L. V., Rodríguez Naranjo, S., & Almeira Ospina, J. E. (2023). Determinación del método más eficiente en la migración del catión potasio en caolinita analítica sometido a un campo eléctrico uniforme. Innovando En La U, 11(11), 6-13.