Planeación orientada a la implementación de un sistema integrado de gestión en una pyme
Small Business, Management Systems, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 18001, stakeholdersAbstract
The term Integrated Management Systems was born to provide a technical and human response to the increasingly significant need for organizations to harmonize compliance with the different management systems they have implemented and to guide the guidelines to where they should to ensure quality assurance, environmental management and occupational safety and health in the organization. In the development of the research, a documentary methodology has been used because it basically depends on the information that is collected or consulted in documents, as permanent material, and of nonexperimental methodological design because only observations will be made Existing situations. In the present study, it was observed that the organizations surveyed point to employees as the interest group that has benefited most from integration, and to society or the community at large as the one that receives the least benefits. In addition it was found that the main benefits obtained have been the articulation of audits, and of plans and programs, reduction of documentation, and risk, and standardization processes. With this document, it is possible to establish recommendations and conclusions so that small and medium-sized enterprises can launch the challenge of implementing these systems.
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