Alternativa de tratamiento de aguas residuales para hoteles campestres en el departamento de Santander.
Analyzing the problem by which the natural systems and biodiversity of some municipalities of the Santander department are experiencing sewage in the exercise and development of rural hotel activities that drive the economy of these areas, different effects have been presented to the water sources where the waste produced by said establishments is dumped; The main dumping of pollutants is observed in the streams, it is already an alert for the environmental authorities who have the obligation to proceed to mitigate environmental impacts and damages, most of these establishments do not have adequate infrastructure for the management of said sewage , with the consequence of becoming a potential source of contamination for water bodies and soils. They bring various effects on the health of the surrounding communities, ecosystems and animal species that are supplied with this resource, they seek to improve the quality of the water and reduce the contamination of the water resource in different areas of Colombia, seeking an alternative treatment for the waters residuals of the rural hotel union. Based on this, a good alternative will be determined to improve effluent quality conditions with a treatment of these sewage before being discharged
Keywords: Residual water, pollutants, water quality, contamination, country hotels, environment, environmental regulations, water treatment.