Formulación de estrategias de negocio para el aprovechamiento de residuos sólidos en el municipio de Curití, Santander.
This document consists of a literature review, around the issue of use and recovery of solid waste in the municipality of Curití-Santander, in this a general analysis of environmental problems caused by these is presented, as well as Some business strategies are proposed that allow mitigating the environmental impact generated by the inadequate handling and management of solid waste, which are mainly focused on incorporating an economic model of circular production, in which a more efficient and sustainable use is made of the resources, through the application of concepts such as the recycling of nutrients and the reincorporation of recycled materials back into the production cycle. The results of the analysis suggest that, in economic and environmental terms, composting and recycling of materials constitute techniques whose treatment does not require large investments and could generate income of more than 1200 million per year for the municipality in the case of the manufacture of organic fertilizer and with the sale of recycled waste, there would be an annual recovery of usable solid waste corresponding to 350 million.
Keywords: Utilization, Final Disposal, Solid Waste Management, Recycling, Recovery.