Elaboración de un plan de riesgos para el manejo del vertimiento; caso: trapiche La Esperanza ubicado en el municipio de la Paz, Santander
Risk management plan, dumping management, Impact, PollutionAbstract
“This document describes the guided actions to prevent, mitigate and control the risks that may arise from the resource due to the activities of the La Esperanza Mill. To do this, it has information such as: maps of the geographical location of the point of vertimiento, the EOT of the municipality of La Paz (Santander), the designs of the Wastewater Treatment System and the field information collected during the elaboration of this work”. If there is a failure in the treatment system that is present in the preventive or corrective maintenance work or emergencies and accidents that limit or impede compliance with the dumping rule, immediately the person responsible for the activity that generates the dumping to a body of water or soil, must suspend the activities that generate the discharge, except those directly associated with the generation of domestic wastewater. Additionally, if its repair and restart requires more than three (3) hours a day, the competent environmental authority must be informed about the suspension of activities and / or the implementation of the Risk Management Plan”.Downloads
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How to Cite
Morales Chavarro, J. L., & Reyes Sánchez, D. R. . (2023). Elaboración de un plan de riesgos para el manejo del vertimiento; caso: trapiche La Esperanza ubicado en el municipio de la Paz, Santander. Dinamica Ambiental, 3, 26-38. https://doi.org/10.18041/2590-6704/ambiental.3.2019.10426