Reformulación del plan de saneamiento y manejo de vertimientos de la empresa de acueducto y alcantarillado Aguas del Socorro S.A. E.S.P. en el municipio del Socorro, Santander, Colombia
Treatment Plant, Wastewater, Efficiency, Contaminants, SewerageAbstract
The municipality of El Socorro Santander has a plan of sanitation and management of vertices of wastewater generated in the municipality, this document is responsible for contemplating the projects, programs and activities that are necessary to advance in obtaining an adequate system of sanitation and treatment of the vertimientos, in this way contribute in guaranteeing to the citizens the constitutional right to enjoy a healthy environment. There is a problem with the plan for sanitation and discharge management that the municipality has and is the lack of updating and compliance with many of the objectives that have been raised, which is why there is a need to reformulate the sanitation plan and management of vertimientos of the municipality of El Socorro Santander in order to be able to comply with the current regulations established for the management and handling of vertimientos and thus be able to guarantee the quality and conservation of natural resources, that the community in general can enjoy them and be able to guarantee the sustainability of the environment.
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