Alternativa del método de explotación de material pétreo, caso: río Sogamoso parte baja, sector anexo a la central hidroeléctrica Hidrosogamoso
POMCAS Sogamoso river, Sogamoso hydroelectric power station, Hidrosogamoso dam, Exploitation methods, extraction of trawl materialAbstract
The construction and start-up of the Hydroelectric “Central Hidrosogamoso” (2009), involved the use of 474.6 m3 / s, approximately 85% of the flow of the Sogamoso River Basin. Given the situation, this decrease in flow has triggered alterations in the mining production of construction material, there are no fast currents that drag the stone material, in exchange for this there are sediments and some gravel coming out through the floodgates of the dam in a controlled flow, which the environmental authority has accepted as a minimum flow or ecological flow; A review of the state of the art of the production of construction material from the Sogamoso river basin, seeks to determine what is the current alternative method of exploitation of stone material.
There are mining titles issued by the National Mining Agency-ANM; permits and concessions issued by the Autonomous Regional Corporation of Santander -CAS-, and a record that the Municipal Authority for subsistence mining takes. The investigation intends to review: a) the characteristics determined in the Management Plan of the Sogamoso river basin, b) the Mega project “Hidrosogamoso power plant”, c) the systems and methods used for the extraction of the materials of Construction, d) of the legal aspects for the exploitations subject to a mining title and / or granted by administrativeact of the environmental authority “CAS”, e) methods that are being applied to the artisanal and industrial exploitation, f) of the different environmental and socio-economic impacts of subsistence mining.
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MinAmbiente. (2016). POMCA río Sogamoso, Fase de Diagnóstico documento general, VII: Caracterización de las condiciones sociales. Bogotá, Colombia: Organización POMCA.
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