Garantías jurídicas en los procesos de expedición del registro civil de los hijos de las parejas poliamorosas


  • Maria Fernanda Ortiz Rivera



Recognition of polyamorous families, legal guarantees, children of polyamorous couples, civil registry


As of Judgment 2015-0195501, in which the Superior Court of Medellín recognizes the survivor's pension for two men who belonged to a polyamorous relationship, circumstances become visible that prevent the materiality of rights for families that are constituted through a triad and require the protection of reproductive rights, jointly the guarantee to form a family and freely decide the number of children. Therefore, a historical reflection of the concept of polyamory and its recognition in the international and national order will be carried out, through a normative analysis of the new concepts of family in Latin American jurisprudence and finally, it will evaluate if there are currently legal guarantees in the processes of issuance of the Civil Registry, since it would suppose the recognition of the triple affiliation or multiparentality, figure that has not been fully accepted in Colombia, considering that the debate on the modifications that will be produced to the document issued by the National Registry of Civil Status, as proof of the legal status in the family and in society of a person born from a polyamorous union.


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How to Cite

Garantías jurídicas en los procesos de expedición del registro civil de los hijos de las parejas poliamorosas. (2024). Ius Praxis, 7(1).