Disadvantages of the Housing Leasing contract against the mortgage credit in Colombia


  • Delroy Austin Gordon Fox Universidad Libre




Contract, Financial Instrument, Housing, Residential Leasing and Mortgage Credit


The objective of this study is to analyze the disadvantages of the Housing Leasing Contract compared to the Mortgage Credit in Colombia, for this, we proceeded to identify various characteristics of the Housing Leasing contract, its difference in relation to the Mortgage Credit and the consequences generated by signing a leasing contract in Colombia, for the development and obtaining of the information, a qualitative research approach was used, of a descriptive type, as data collection techniques the bibliographic review was used, through the reading and interpretation of texts and research related to the topic, in order to fulfill the objectives of characterizing and establishing the differences between residential leasing and mortgage credit, and determining the disadvantages thereof, investigating the degree of efficiency of both services within financial institutions , and as a result it is mentioned that it is of extreme imp It is intended that people who are interested in acquiring a home through bank financing, know how the different financial services they offer operate and that they can choose the option that is most beneficial.

The objective of this study is to analyze the disadvantages of the Housing Leasing Contract compared to the Mortgage Credit in Colombia, for this, we proceeded to identify various characteristics of the Housing Leasing contract, its difference in relation to the Mortgage Credit and the consequences generated by signing a leasing contract in Colombia, for the development and obtaining of the information, a qualitative research approach was used, of a descriptive type, as data collection techniques the bibliographic review was used, through the reading and interpretation of texts and research related to the topic, in order to fulfill the objectives of characterizing and establishing the differences between residential leasing and mortgage credit, and determining the disadvantages thereof, investigating the degree of efficiency of both services within financial institutions , and as a result it is mentioned that it is of extreme imp It is intended that people who are interested in acquiring a home through bank financing, know how the different financial services they offer operate and that they can choose the option that is most beneficial.


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