Marco normativo vigente en Colombia
diferenciación salarial por razón de sexo
Differentiation of wages based on sex, Labour context, Normative Framework, DANEAbstract
In this article, it is found a thematic review about the normative development of article 13 of the political constitution, and in general the normative framework in force for the prohibition of wage differentiation in our country, taking into account that The State has the duty to watch over, and to protect the rights to equality of ihabitants as well as to ensure the protection, integrity and equality of the labours of citizens. The main objective in this research is due to the concern of whether there is an unshakable norm in Colombia issued for the effective fulfillment of the fundamental rights of equality, guaranteed to Colombian people in article 13 of the political constitution of Colombia, since as a result in the s Carried out researches periodically by DANE entity in previous years, it was possible to show the existence of the discriminatory phenomenon in the labour contexts and as mentioned social problematic omissions and failires, the effective fulfillment of the fundamental rights of equality guaranteed by The State. This document is the result of the identification and revision of the normative framework in force in Colombia, applicable to the prohibition of the salarial differences by reason of sex.
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